✓Lower cost per calls - Placing calls over traditional phone lines means that a line is taken up by the two callers using it to communicate. Since there are only so many lines that can be installed, calls placed over landlines, especially if they are long-distance, are expensive. But using the Internet to relay call data circumvents this problem, making domestic and long distance calls cheaper overall.
✓Service mobility - If your business is on-the-go, VoIP services can be a tremendous benefit to you because they will follow you wherever you go. There are no physical limitations.
✓Versatility of features - Using VoIP phone systems allows you to multi-task with the most tech-savvy devices, allowing you to be the most productive you can be. You can forward messages and voicemail easily. If you receive an important message in a voicemail, you can forward voicemails to other associates easily.
✓Simplified conference calls - Since all calls use a converged data network instead of dedicated phone lines, creating and participating in conference calls are made much easier. These features and many more useful ones are available with VoIP phone systems. And because the service always goes with you, the features you find helpful can be added or subtracted with ease.